Do you need to send large files free of charge?

The file set you are looking for is no longer available.

The file set was set to expire on 2017-11-11 @ 08:43:58 GMT. It was uploaded on 2017-10-21 @ 08:43:58 GMT. The retention period is set by the file set owner.

If the file set is no longer available before the expiration date, it has either been deleted by the anti-virus software, or we have received a request to remove it.

There is no way for us to retrieve the file set listed below. The owner has to re-upload the file set and send you a new link to download it.

The file set contained:

20171020_2331_62.210.131.155_ac_elevation_8min_CTF.dmo336.813 KB
20171020_2339_62.210.131.155_ac_ingress_8min_CTF.dmo440.939 KB
20171020_2347_62.210.131.155_ac_outpost_8min_CTF.dmo400.404 KB
